State & Central Govt

Upcoming Exams

List of upcoming exams in UPSC, TNPSC, TNUSRB,SSC & Railways in 2021-2022

State & Central Govt

Our Courses

All over India, people aspiring to become IAS, IPS and other elite bureaucratic services officers and seeking to fine tune their preparation, flock to Kalaivani IAS Academy for Civil Services coaching.


Civil services, which is the backbone of Indian governance constitutes all ministries and their departments.


In the year 1923, the British Government set up a Public Service Commission to inspect the pay structure of the Indian Civil Service.


The system generated FIR has been rolled out and being implemented successfully across the state

Kalaivani IAS Academy

one of the best Coaching Centre in Tamilnadu for all kind of Competitive Exams, which is conducted by state government & Central government .

KALAIVANI IAS ACADEMY was founded in 2015. We are located Mathukkarai Coimbatore. Coimbatore is also called as Education cub of Tamilnadu. We provide intensive training For UPSC, TNPSC, TNUSRB POLICE, FORESTER, and SSC EXAMS. We are giving training by subject wise experienced faculty members. We focus only on result of our students. We helped many of our government exam aspirants to achieve their dreams. Intensive care given to every students those join in our academy. We have individual classrooms & library set up in our campus. We Provide Physical training by experienced trainers in our College Ground. Right now we Provide Hostel Facility to Boys inside the campus.

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All over India, people aspiring to become IAS, IPS and other elite bureaucratic services officers and seeking to fine tune their preparation, flock to Kalaivani IAS Academy for Civil Services coaching.


A forester is a person who practices forestry, the science, art, and profession of managing forests


The SSC Exams stand for Staff Selection Commission exams. are conducted to recruit staff to various posts


Railway Recruitment Board, initially was known as 'Railway Service Commission' but in January 1985 it was renamed as Railway Recruitment Board.

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